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58426 同样在简报会上发言的鲍维斯教授表示,测试能力“增长非常迅速”。 Also speaking at the briefing, Prof Powis said testing capacity "had ramped up very quickly".
58427 “我们现在处于非常高的测试水平,超过10万台,周末略有下降。但我们预计测试能力将继续增加,”他说。 "We are now at a very high level of testing, over 100,000, a little bit of a dip in the weekend. But we anticipate that that testing capacity will continue to increase," he said.
58428 伦敦大学圣乔治分校的全球健康讲师Elisabetta Groppelli博士说, Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, a lecturer in global health at St George's, University of London,
58429 76500人仍然是一个“令人惊叹的数字”,英国正在“变得可以与类似人口规模的国家相媲美”。 said 76,500 was still a "fantastic number" and that the UK was "becoming comparable" to countries with similar population sizes.
58430 她说:“重要的是,英国稳步增加了已经进行的测试数量。” "What is important is that the UK has steadily increased the number of tests that have been performed," she said.
58431 上周,英国将检测范围扩大到数百万有症状的人,包括65岁以上的人,那些不得不离开家去工作的人,以及与这些群体中的某个人生活在一起的人。 Testing was expanded in England last week to millions more people with symptoms including over-65s, those who have to leave home to work, and people living with someone in these groups.
58432 在苏格兰,首席部长尼古拉•斯特金早些时候宣布,检测范围将扩大到65岁以上有症状的人,以及所有爆发疫情的疗养院。 In Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced earlier that testing would be expanded to over 65s with symptoms and also all those in care homes where there had been an outbreak.
58433 周五,威尔士政府将冠状病毒检测扩大到疗养院的人们,即使他们没有表现出疾病的症状。 And on Friday, the Welsh government extended coronavirus testing to people in care homes even if they are not showing symptoms of the disease.
58434 英国政府希望加强的检测制度,以及接触者追踪和持续的社会距离,可以保持在传播率的顶端,防止第二波感染。 The UK government is hoping the enhanced testing regime, alongside contact tracing and continued social distancing, can stay on top of transmission rates and prevent a second wave of infection.
58435 预计下周末将出台逐步放松限售措施的“全面”路线图.。 A "comprehensive" road map on a gradual easing of lockdown measures is expected at the end of next week.