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58436 目前,英国共有28446人死于冠状病毒。 A total of 28,446 people have now died with coronavirus across the UK.
58437 这个数字包括医院、疗养院和社区的死亡人数,但只包括那些冠状病毒检测呈阳性的人。 That number includes deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community, but only for those who have tested positive for Covid-19.
58438 冠状病毒:法院必须恢复处理“积压案件” Coronavirus: Courts must resume dealing with 'backlog of cases'
58439 加的夫的一位顶级律师警告说,由于冠状病毒大流行期间积压的案件越来越多,受害者正处于“令人痛心的悬而未决”之中。 Victims are being left in "distressing limbo" due to a growing backlog of cases during the coronavirus pandemic, a top Cardiff barrister has warned.
58440 由于该病毒,英国各地的陪审团审判在3月份暂停。 Jury trials across the UK were halted in March due to the virus.
58441 克里斯托弗·里斯(Christopher Rees)表示,在英国仍没有“正常运作的司法系统”的情况下,有人在谈论恢复英超足球的措施。 Christopher Rees said there was talk of measures to resume Premiership football when the UK still did not have a "functioning justice system".
58442 司法部表示,它正在努力“尽快”重启步道。 The Ministry of Justice said it was working to restart trails "as soon as possible".
58443 首席大法官伯内特勋爵表示,需要采取激进措施来重启步道。在冠状病毒限制期间。 The Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett has said radical measures will be needed to restart trails during the coronavirus restrictions.
58444 这可能包括将大学演讲厅等建筑改造成法庭,并减少陪审员人数,这是第二次世界大战中使用的一种措施。 This could include turning buildings like university lecture theatre halls into court rooms, and having fewer jurors, a measure used in World War Two.
58445 官方数据显示,截至2019年底,英格兰和威尔士的未决案件数量已达37434起。 By the end of 2019, the number of outstanding cases in England and Wales had reached 37,434, official figures show.