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58446 威尔士刑事律师协会代表里斯表示,积压是英国政府多年来“资金不足”造成的。 Mr. Rees, a representative of the Criminal Bar Association in Wales, said the backlog was caused by years of UK government "underfunding".
58447 加的夫Apex Chambers的负责人里斯表示,在听证会暂停之前,加的夫刑事法院每天都会举行七八场审判, Mr. Rees, head of Apex Chambers in Cardiff, said with seven or eight trials held a day at Cardiff Crown Court before hearings were suspended,
58448 积压的案件“每天都在增加”,需要采取紧急行动。 the backlog was "growing daily" and urgent action was needed.
58449 他告诉BBC威尔士的星期日副刊节目:“有很多受害者,很多证人,很多被告,很多家庭和涉案人员,都在等着了解案件的真相。” "That's a lot of victims, a lot of witnesses, a lot of defendants, a lot of families and those involved, all waiting to find out about cases," he told BBC Wales' Sunday Supplement programme.
58450 “我们有近30万人在等着了解他们涉及的案件发生了什么,这相当于一个斯旺西那么大的城市。 "We're nearly up to 300,000 people just waiting to find out what's going on with the cases they are involved in, this is the equivalent to a city the size of Swansea.
58451 这是一个相当可怕的前景。” That's quite a frightening prospect."
58452 里斯表示,这种悬而未决的状态将使受害者及其家人“非常痛苦”,特别是在涉及性犯罪、侵害儿童和谋杀的案件中。 Mr Rees said the limbo would be "extremely distressing" for victims and their families, especially in cases involving sexual offences, offences against children and murder.
58453 陪审团审判至少涉及20人,但往往要多得多,在一个相对有限的法庭上。 Jury trials involve at least 20 people, but often considerably more, in one relatively confined courtroom.
58454 目前,有12名陪审员在英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰受审,15名在苏格兰受审。 Currently, 12 jurors sit in trials in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15 in Scotland.
58455 里斯表示,虽然法院实际上是在开庭,通过视频链接从监狱和监护权诉讼中播放一些听证会, Mr. Rees said while courts were sitting virtually, streaming some hearings via video link from prisons and custody suits,