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58456 但在如何调整以使审判重新启动和运行方面,需要有更多的紧迫性。 there needed to be more urgency on how to adapt to get trials back up and running.
58457 他说,有传言说英超足球将在6月份回归,而英格兰和威尔士没有“正常运作的司法系统”。 He said there had been talk of Premiership football returning in June, while England and Wales did not have a "functioning justice system".
58458 英超赛季:接下来会发生什么? Premier League season: What should happen next?
58459 威尔士的2个、地方法院:值班律师的工作令人精疲力竭。 Magistrates' courts in Wales: 'Exhausting' work for duty solicitor
58460 英国的许多刑事法院都是维多利亚时代的老建筑,不适合在审判期间与社会保持距离,陪审团席位传统上非常小。 Many of the UKs Crown courts are old Victorian buildings and are not suitable for social distancing during trials, with jury boxes traditionally being very small.
58461 里斯表示,即使是在较老的法庭上,为了恢复审判,一两个法庭也可以容纳陪审员的社会距离, Mr. Rees said even in older courts one or two court rooms could accommodate social distancing for jurors in order for trials to resume,
58462 但这意味着需要“一些时间”来处理积压的案件。 but it would mean it would take "some time" to work through the backlog.
58463 负责英格兰和威尔士刑事司法系统的司法部表示,所有新的陪审团审判都已暂停,以“帮助保护公众”。 The Ministry of Justice, responsible for the criminal justice system in England and Wales, said all new jury trials had been suspended to "help protect the public".
58464 一位发言人说,一个工作组正在每周开会,考虑如何以及何时重新启动步道是安全的。 A working group is meeting weekly to consider how and when it would be safe to restart trails, a spokesman said.
58465 一位发言人说:“我们正在与司法机构和其他方面密切合作,以尽快重启审判, "We are working closely with the judiciary and others to restart trials as soon as possible,