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58466 一个司法委员会其中包括刑事律师协会目前正在评估各种选择。” and a justice committee which includes the Criminal Bar Association is currently assessing options," a spokesman said.
58467 “公众可以相信,我们正在尽一切可能保持法院的运转, "The public can be confident that we are doing everything possible to keep courts running,
58468 通过大幅增加远程听证会,以及在英格兰和威尔士各地仍在运作的160个优先法院。” through a significant increase in remote hearings and 160 priority courts still operating across England and Wales."
58469 冠状病毒:在解除封锁时考虑交错的工作时间 Coronavirus: Staggered work times considered when lockdown eases
58470 交通部长表示,当冠状病毒封锁放松时,企业可能会被要求错开员工的工作时间。 Businesses could be asked to stagger employees' working hours when the coronavirus lockdown eases, the transport secretary has said.
58471 格兰特·夏普斯告诉BBC,此举将有助于防止拥挤的通勤。 Grant Shapps told the BBC that the move would help to prevent crowded commutes.
58472 他说,将有更多的公交车和火车运行,但他希望鼓励骑自行车和步行。 He said more buses and trains would run but he hoped to encourage cycling and walking.
58473 内阁府部长迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)表示,“阶段性”宽松将意味着可能会重新引入措施,以应对“局部”疫情。 Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said a "staged" easing would mean measures could be reintroduced to tackle "localised" outbreaks.
58474 预计政府将于下周日宣布应对疫情的下一步措施。 The government is expected to announce the next steps in its response to the epidemic next Sunday.
58475 戈夫在政府每日举行的冠状病毒简报会上表示,目前正在与雇主、工会和公共卫生专家进行磋商, Speaking at the government's daily coronavirus briefing, Mr. Gove said consultations are under way with employers, trade unions and public health experts