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58476 以确保人们回到“尽可能安全”的环境中工作,并理解官方的指导。 to ensure that people return to work in the "safest possible" environments and understand official guidance.
58477 商业团体和工会周日收到了政府指导方针草案,并在英国夏令时21:00之前做出回应。 Business groups and unions received draft government guidelines on Sunday, and have until 21:00 BST to respond.
58478 戈夫强调,英国的做法不会是“按下开关,然后……回到旧常态”。 Mr Gove stressed that the UK's approach would not be "flicking a switch and going... back to the old normal".
58479 他说:“阶段性方法使我们能够监测这些变化对公众健康的影响。” "A phased approach is one which allows us to monitor the impact that those changes are having on public health," he said.
58480 “而且,如果有必要,以一种具体和局部的方式--这意味着我们可以暂停, "And, if necessary, in a specific and localised way - that means that we can pause or even reintroduce those restrictions
58481 甚至重新引入那些可能需要的限制,以应对局部的疫情。” that might be required in order to deal with localised outbreaks."
58482 与此同时,企业呼吁立即制定“谨慎分阶段”的解除封锁限制计划,因为许多企业表示, It comes as businesses called for a "carefully phased" plan for lifting lockdown restrictions to be set out immediately,
58483 他们需要数周时间为恢复运营做准备。 as many say they need weeks to prepare for resuming operations.
58484 铁路老板们上个月表示,任何形式的社会距离都将“极其困难”地管理和监督, Rail bosses said last month that social-distancing of any kind would be "extraordinarily difficult" to manage and police,
58485 而且可能会使单个列车的运力减少70%到90%。 and could reduce the capacity of an individual train by between 70% and 90%.