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58486 早些时候,沙普斯在安德鲁·马尔秀(Andrew Marr Show)上表示,政府正在考虑让人们出行上班的一系列选择, Earlier, Mr. Shapps told the Andrew Marr Show that the government was looking at a range of options for people to travel to work,
58487 包括鼓励他所说的“大规模扩大”人们对骑自行车或步行等“积极旅行”的兴趣。 including encouraging what he described as a "massive expansion" in interest in "active travel" such as cycling or walking.
58488 他说:“我们可以做一系列不同的事情,包括错开工作时间,与企业和组织合作做到这一点。” "There are a series of different things that we can do including staggering work times, working with businesses and organisations to do that," he said.
58489 他还表示,他正在与火车公司和工会合作,在站台和公交车站维持社会距离规则。 He also said he was working with train companies and unions on maintaining social distancing rules on platforms and at bus stops.
58490 周日,他告诉天空新闻的Sophy Ridge,还可能提供洗手液,并为乘客引入单向系统。 Hand sanitizers could also be made available and one-way systems for passengers introduced, he told Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday.
58491 英国与冠状病毒相关的死亡人数为28446人,比周六的数字增加了315人。 The number of coronavirus-related deaths in the UK stands at 28,446 - an increase of 315 on Saturday's figure.
58492 政府表示,周六只进行了76,500次冠状病毒检测,没有达到每天10万次的目标。 The government said only 76,500 coronavirus tests were carried out on Saturday, falling short of its daily target of 100,000.
58493 戈夫表示,测试次数的减少是因为周末上班的人减少了。 Mr. Gove said the dip in the number of tests was due to the fact that fewer people were at work over the weekend.
58494 伦敦大学圣乔治大学的全球健康讲师Elisabetta Groppelli博士说,76,500人仍然是一个“令人惊叹的数字”, Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, a lecturer in global health at St George's, University of London, said that 76,500 was still a "fantastic number"
58495 英国正在“变得可以与人口规模相似的国家相媲美”。 and that the UK was "becoming comparable" to countries with similar population sizes.