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58496 她说:“重要的是,英国稳步增加了已经进行的测试数量。” "What is important is that the UK has steadily increased the number of tests that have been performed," she said.
58497 夏普斯说,现时所有员工及居民均可进行测试,护养院及社区其他地方的感染率现正下降。 Mr. Shapps said with testing now available to all staff and residents, infection rates were now falling in care homes as well as other parts of the community.
58498 出于这个原因,他说他希望国家能避免疗养院将病毒传播回社会其他地方。 For that reason, he said he hoped the country would avoid care homes transmitting the virus back into the rest of society.
58499 当被问及如果检测能力更早一些,死亡人数是否会更少时,他表示:“是的。如果我们在这件事开始之前就有10万个检测能力, Asked whether fewer people would have died if testing capacity had been greater sooner, he said: "Yes. If we had had 100,000 test capacity before this thing started
58500 再加上我们现在事后掌握的知识,我相信很多事情可能会有所不同。” and the knowledge that we now have retrospectively I'm sure many things could be different."
58501 但他表示,尽管英国有很大的制药业,但没有德国那样的检测行业,增加检测数量变得更加困难。 But he said that although the UK has a big pharmaceuticals industry, it does not have a testing industry like Germany's, making it more difficult to increase test numbers.
58502 沙普斯为在疫情早期不关闭机场或对国际入境者进行筛查的决定进行了辩护, Defending the decision not to close airports or introduce screening for international arrivals earlier in the pandemic,
58503 他表示,当时的建议是,“完全封锁边境”可能只会将病毒推迟3至5天。 Mr. Shapps said the advice was that a "complete lockdown of the borders" might only have delayed the virus by three to five days.
58504 “我们在国外有数百万人需要回国,”他说。 "We had millions of people abroad who needed to return home," he said.
58505 但他表示,现在感染率正在下降到一个更容易控制的水平,对从国外前往英国的人进行筛查和隔离的计划是“一个正在认真考虑的问题”。 But he said that now the infection rate was falling to a more manageable level, plans for screening and quarantining people travelling to the UK from abroad were "a serious point under consideration".