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58506 英国代表机构航空公司表示,14天的隔离期将“有效地扼杀航空旅行”。 Representative body Airlines UK said a 14-day quarantine period would "effectively kill air travel".
58507 首席执行官蒂姆·奥尔德斯莱德(Tim Alderslade)表示,这将是一项“直截了当的工具措施”,将“当其他国家开放本国经济时,完全将英国与世界其他地区隔绝,” Chief executive Tim Alderslade said it would be a "blunt tool measure" that would "completely shut off the UK from the rest of the world when other countries are opening up their economies"
58508 英国应该在健康检查等共同标准方面走在前列,这将使该行业能够重启。 and the UK should be leading the way on common standards such as health screening, which would enable the sector to restart.
58509 在政府拒绝透露名称后,处于新冠状病毒高峰中心的墨尔本肉类供应商挺身而出。 Melbourne meat supplier at centre of new COVID-19 spike comes forward after government refused to name it
58510 澳大利亚最大的冠状病毒群背后的屠宰场在维多利亚州政府拒绝命名后曝光。 The abattoir behind Australia's biggest coronavirus cluster has outed itself after the Victorian government refused to name it.
58511 墨尔本布鲁克林的雪松肉工厂与34例这种致命疾病有关。 The Cedar Meats facility in Brooklyn, Melbourne is linked with 34 cases of the deadly disease.
58512 据3AW称,第一例病例记录在4月初,第二名工人在4月23日检测呈阳性。 The first case was recorded in early April and a second worker tested positive on April 23, according to 3AW.
58513 工厂周五关闭进行深度清洁,员工们被告知要接受检测,其中许多人是近距离工作的。 The factory closed for a deep clean on Friday and employees, many of whom work in close quarters, were told to get tested.
58514 周日返回了19个阳性结果,导致维多利亚州出现了自4月11日以来最大的单日总数,当时记录了24例病例。 Nineteen positive results were returned on Sunday, causing Victoria to have its biggest daily total since April 11 when 24 cases were recorded.
58515 周四发生工作场所事故后,该工厂的一名工人在墨尔本阳光医院做了手术。 One of the workers at the plant had an operation at Melbourne's Sunshine Hospital after a workplace accident on Thursday.