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58516 周末,他的病毒检测呈阳性,促使大约20名医院工作人员自我隔离。 He tested positive for the virus over the weekend, prompting around 20 hospital workers to self-isolate.
58517 雪松肉类公司总经理托尼·凯鲁兹说:“所有工人都在自我隔离,我们正在与维多利亚州卫生当局密切合作。” Cedar Meats General Manager Tony Kairouz said: "All workers are self-quarantining and we are working closely with the Victorian health authorities."
58518 我们工厂加工的所有肉类都是按照澳大利亚食品安全标准加工的,我们的客户可以放心,我们工厂加工的肉类可以安全食用。 "All meat processed at our facilities is processed in accordance with Australian Standards for food safety and our customers can be confident that the meat processed at our facilities is safe to eat."
58519 维多利亚州政府拒绝为这些肉类加工厂命名,引起了当地人的愤怒。 The Victorian government's refusal to name the meat works caused outrage among locals.
58520 维多利亚州运输协会首席执行官彼得·安德森(Peter Anderson)表示,该工厂的命名本应是为了保护运送牲畜和带走肉类的卡车司机。 Victorian Transport Association CEO Peter Anderson said the plant should have been named to protect truck drivers who deliver livestock and take away meat.
58521 在今天的新闻发布会上,首席卫生官布雷特·萨顿(Brett Sutton)说:“我们不应该宣布这是一个特殊的环境。 In a press conference today Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton: "It's not for us to declare that it's a particular setting."
58522 “如果肉类加工厂想要给自己命名,以表明它不涉及其他地方,那么他们可以自由地这样做。” "If the meat works wants to name itself to be clear that it doesn't involve other places, then they're free to do so."
58523 “给它命名并不是我们开展工作所必需的。” "Naming it is not part of what's required for us to do our work."
58524 事实证明,全球的肉类加工厂都是这种疾病的温床,因为尽管员工们在近距离工作,但它们基本上仍然开放。 Meat processing plants globally are proving to be hotbeds for the disease because they have largely remained open despite employees working in close quarters.
58525 在美国,肉类工厂已经记录了4900例病例,至少20人死亡。 In the US, meat factories have recorded 4,900 cases and at least 20 deaths.