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58526 在维多利亚州,周日进行了1.3万次检测-这是一天内检测次数最多的州有22次阳性结果。 In Victoria there were 13,000 tests on Sunday - the largest amount of any state in one day with 22 positive results.
58527 该州目前共有1406例病例。 There are now 1,406 cases in total in the state.
58528 维多利亚州的警戒状态将于5月11日结束,这是政府考虑放松目前社会距离限制的最早日期。 Victoria's state of alarm is set to finish on May 11, the earliest date the government will consider relaxing current social distancing restrictions.
58529 政府已经发起了一场测试闪电战,目标是在下周一之前完成10万次检查。 The government has launched a testing blitz that aims to complete 100,000 checks before next Monday.
58530 周日,政府证实埃平Meadow Glen小学的一名教师感染了冠状病毒,学校将从周一到周三停课。 On Sunday the government confirmed a teacher at Meadow Glen primary school in Epping had coronavirus and the school will be shut from Monday to Wednesday.
58531 教育部长丹·泰汉(Dan Tehan)指责安德鲁斯关闭学校,未能发挥领导作用,之后报道了这名教师的感染情况。 The teacher's infection was reported after Education Minister Dan Tehan accused Mr Andrews of failing in his leadership by keeping schools shut.
58532 Tehan先生后来发表了一份声明,收回了这些言论,称他已经越界了。 Mr Tehan later issued a statement withdrawing the remarks, saying he had overstepped the mark.
58550 Nearly 100,000 people have been confirmed to have COVID-19 in Britain. 在英国,已经有接近十万人确诊新冠肺炎。
58551 The British government’s response has included a nationwide order for people to stay at home, for universities to shut down, flight to be cancelled and bans on travel. 英国政府为了应对疫情,在全国范围内要求居家隔离、大学停学、航班停运、严禁旅游。
58552 In the UK the real fight against the virus seems to have begun only about five or six weeks ago, but I’ve been engaged in it for more than 10 weeks. (截止4月16日)在英国,真正开始抗击疫情似乎只有五六周,但我已经投身这场战“疫”超过十周。