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58563 And to my surprise, our group of 10 members soon had more than 130 members, people from all over the world living in London came to help us. 出乎我的意料,我们的群组很快从10人壮大到130多人,来自不同国家现居于伦敦的人向我们表达支持。
58564 A protest rally in Trafalgar Square in central London that we organized attracted dozens of people sympathetic to our cause, including local activist groups. 我们在伦敦市中心特拉法加广场组织的反种族歧视活动,吸引了数十人声援,其中包括许多当地的团体组织。
58565 We wore masks bearing the words “Racism is a virus” chanted anti-racism slogans, waved banners and made speeches. 我们戴上口罩,上面写有“种族主义是一种病毒”,高呼反种族主义口号,挥舞着 横幅,发表演讲。
58566 We even attracted big media outlets like The Guardian and Bloomberg. 我们甚至吸引了大型媒体机构的关注,比如《卫报》和彭博社。
58567 One thing that made a big mark on me at the rally was a speech later in the day by a local resident. 在活动中给我留下深刻印象的是当天晚些时候一位当地居民的演说。
58568 He said: “In this country, racism against Chinese and the East Asian people needs to be stopped. 他说:“在这个国家,对中国人和东亚人的种族歧视需要被制止。
58569 I appeal to your common humanity, your sense of compassion and fair play. 我呼吁大家抱有人道之心、同情心和公正之念。
58570 All of us need to fight for it and make sure children especially are not subject to racism.” 我们所有人都应该为此奋斗,尤其确保儿童不受种族主义影响。”
58571 After the protest was over a Korean friend told me how much the protest meant to her and how important it was in sending a signal to the world. 在这场活动结束后,一个韩国朋友向我讲述,这场活动对她有多深远的意义,活动向世界传达的信号是多么重要。
58572 She told me that it would raise people’s awareness and make the world a better place. 她告诉我这会提高人们的意识,让世界变得更好。