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58583 British National Health Service has been facing shortages of clothing and equipment to keep its staff safe, and I have donated money to a fund to support its staff and other essential workers. 英国卫生部缺乏让工作人员免受病毒侵袭的防护服和设备,我向基金会捐款支援卫生部工作人员。
58584 I have also signed up to be a volunteer to help 1.5 million people in the UK who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of the underlying health conditions. 同时我也在做志愿者,帮助英国150万有基础疾病的人做好个人防疫。
58585 Many Chinese students in London and elsewhere in the UK decided it was the best choice for them to return home, and that is a decision l respect. 许多在伦敦和英国其他地方的中国留学生认为回国是最好的选择。我尊重他们的决定。
58586 I and tens of thousands of oversea students are doing that with the help of Chinese embassies and consulates around the world that are distributing packs to Chinese students studying abroad. 我和数万中国留学生,有世界各处的中国使领馆做坚强后盾,他们向留学生分发健康包。
58587 These packs contain masks, Chinese medicine, disinfectant and even a quote from an ancient Chinese poem about being far from home and love from the motherland. 里面有口罩、中药、消毒剂、甚至还有一句古诗,描写游子远行思念故土。
58588 It may take some time to conquer the COVID-19 pandemic, but whenever that day comes I do hope that one lesson many people can learn from it is that regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or any other social or personal characteristics, we all have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. 战胜新冠疫情尚需时日,但无论这一天何时到来,我希望人们能从疫情中学到,不论年龄、性别、种族、宗教、国籍或是其他任何社会和个人特征,我们每个人都应该有尊严被尊重。
58590 法国巴黎地区的一名重症监护主任伊夫·科恩在周日受邀参加法国BFM电视台的一档访谈节目时表示,新冠病毒或于去年12月27日就已经在法国出现了。 The novel coronavirus first appeared in France on December 27, 2019, said Yves Cohen, an intensive care chief from Avicenne Hospital in Paris, in an interview with local media BFMTV on Sunday.
58591 科恩医生表示,由于12月至1月的核酸试剂并非用于检测新冠病毒,而是检测流感以及其他冠状病毒的,他和他的团队重新对24名患者的样本进行了新冠的检测。 He said his medical team revisited test results of 24 patients with respiratory infections and tested negative for flu and other kinds of coronavirus in December and January, among them a male patient showed positive for COVID-19.
58592 在检测中医生们发现,其中有一例患者样本新冠检测呈阳性,而该患者的感染时间要追溯到去年12月27日,比法国原本最早宣布的首例新冠感染病例的感染时间要早了一个月。 The patient was tested in hospital on December 27, a month before the first French cases were confirmed, Cohen said, adding that the test had been repeated several times to confirm the result.
58593 这名患者感染了他的两个孩子,但他在超市海鲜柜台工作的妻子并没有出现症状。 The patient was sick for 15 days and infected his two children but not his wife who works in a fish stall of a supermarket.