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58678 None of us can accept a world in which some people are protected while others are not. 谁都不能接受在世界上有的人受到保护,而另一些人得不到保护。
58679 Everybody should be protected. 所有人都应该受到保护。
58680 The potential for continued waves of infection of COVID-19 across the globe demands that every single person on the planet be protected from this disease. 面对COVID-19在全球范围内波浪式持续传播的威胁,必须保护地球上的每一个 人免受这种疾病的侵害。 
58681 WHO remains committed to working with all countries and partners to accelerate the development and production of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics, and to ensure their equitable distribution.  世卫组织致力于同所有国家和伙伴合作,加快疫苗、诊断工具和治疗方法的研发和生产,并确保其公平分配。 
58682 This is an opportunity for the world to come together to confront a common threat, but also to forge a common future; a future in which all people enjoy the right to the highest attainable standard of health and the products that deliver that right. 这是一个世界团结一致面对共同威胁的机会,也是营造共同未来的机会,以便所有人都享有能达到的最高健康标准和获得有助于保障这一权利的产品。
58683 That’s what we mean by health for all. 这就是我们所倡导的全民健康。
58684 We have been saying it for more than 70 years, since WHO was created. 自世卫组织成立以来,我们70多年来一直秉持这一主张。
58685 But I think given the experience we have now and the difficulties we’re going through, it’s time to make it happen: health for all. 我认为,鉴于我们所拥有的经验和正在经历的困难局面,现在应该是实现全民健康的时候了。
58686 But one of the best tools is also one of the most basic: clean hands.  而清洁双手是最好的一个工具,也是最基本的一个工具。 
58687 The simple act of cleaning hands can be the difference between life and death, and remains one of the most important public health measures for protecting individuals, families and communities against COVID-19 and many other diseases.  清洁双手这一简单的行为可能攸关生死,并且仍然是保护个人、家庭和社区免受COVID-19以及许多其他疾病侵害的最重要的公共卫生措施之一。