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58688 Tomorrow is Hand Hygiene Day - a reminder of the importance of clean hands for health workers, and for all of us. 明天是手卫生日,它提醒人们清洁双手对于医务工作者和我们所有人的重要性。
58689 At the same time, we must remember that millions of people around the world are not able to practice this most basic of precautions. 同时,我们必须记住,全世界成千上万的人仍无法采取这种最基本的预防措施 。 
58690 Around the world, less than two-thirds of health care facilities are equipped with hand hygiene stations, and 3 billion people lack soap and water at home. 在世界各地,不到三分之二的医疗保健设施配有洗手点,而且约30亿人的家中没有肥皂和水。
58691 If we are to stop COVID-19 or any other source of infection, and keep health workers safe, we must dramatically increase investments in soap, access to water, and alcohol-based hand rubs. 若要阻断COVID-19或任何其他感染源,并确保医务工作者的安全,我们必须大 力增加对肥皂、水和含酒精成分的免洗洗手液的投资。
58692 Tomorrow also marks the International Day of the Midwife.  明天也是国际助产士日。
58693 This is an opportunity to remember the vital role that midwives play all over the world in providing safe and effective care for women and newborns.  这是铭记全世界助产士在为妇女和新生儿提供安全有效护理方面发挥重要作用的一个机会。
58694 Research shows that interventions delivered by midwives can avert over 80% of all maternal deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths. 研究表明,由助产士提供的干预措施可以避免80%以上的孕产妇死亡、死产和新生儿死亡。
58695 The service of midwives is actually a lifeline for many. 助产士的服务实际上是无数人的生命线。 
58696 Childbirth can be one of the most precious moments in a woman’s life, but it can also be one of the most dangerous. 分娩可能是女性一生中最弥足珍贵的一次体验,但也可能是最危险的一个时刻 。 
58697 Midwives are essential for guiding and caring for women through their entire pregnancy, and for the critical moment of childbirth. 助产士对于在整个怀孕期间和分娩的关键时刻指导和照顾妇女至关重要。