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58698 But we need more midwives in all countries, especially low-resource countries. 但是在所有国家,特别是在资源匮乏的国家,我们需要有更多的助产士。
58699 To mark Hand Hygiene Day and the International Day of the Midwife, we are calling all people to stop what they’re doing at noon tomorrow to clap for nurses and midwives, and to thank them for their role in delivering safe and effective care especially during this pandemic. 为了纪念手卫生日和助产士国际日,我们呼吁所有人明天中午暂停工作片刻,为护士和助产士鼓掌,感谢其在提供安全有效的护理方面所发挥的作用,尤其是在这场大流行病期间发挥的重要作用。
58700 They’re risking their lives to give lives to others. 他们甘冒生命危险,去拯救他人的生命。
58701 Several countries are now starting to ease so-called lockdown and stay-at-home orders. 现在有些国家开始放松封锁措施和居家令。
58702 But our common commitment to basic measures such as cleaning hands and physical distancing cannot be relaxed. 但我们仍需坚持采取洗手和保持社交距离等基本措施。
58703 Nor can the commitment to the tools that are the foundation of the response: to find, isolate, test and care for every case, and trace every contact. 对作为应对措施基本手段的承诺也不能放松:必须发现、隔离、检测和医护每一个案例,并追踪每一个接触者。
58704 And to ensure health systems have the capacity they need to provide safe and effective care for all. 还要确保卫生系统有能力为所有人提供安全有效的医护。
58705 But just as the number of new cases and deaths is declining in some countries, it’s mounting in others.  一些国家的新增病例和死亡人数在减少,与此同时,一些国家的新增病例和死亡人数在增加。 
58706 That’s why today’s pledging event is so important. 这正是为什么今天的认捐活动如此重要的原因。
58707 This virus will be with us for a long time, and we must come together to develop and share the tools to defeat it.  这种病毒将与我们长期共存,因此,我们必须团结一致共同开发和共享战胜病毒的工具。