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58708 But of course, today’s event only covers one part of the response for research and development in vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics. 当然,今天的活动仅涵盖应对措施的一部分,即疫苗、诊断工具和治疗方法的研发。 
58709 In the weeks and months ahead, we will need much more to meet the demand for personal protective equipment, medical oxygen and other essential supplies. 在未来的数周和数月里,我们需要更多的个人防护装备、医用氧气和其他基本用品以满足需求。 
58710 Later this week, WHO will launch its updated Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, which will provide an update of the resources WHO needs to support the international response and national action plans to the end of 2020. 本周晚些时候,世卫组织将启动最新的战略防范和应对计划,列明世卫组织到2020年底支持国际应对措施和国家行动计划所需的资源。
58711 WHO is grateful to the many countries and donors who supported the first Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan. 世卫组织感谢为第一个战略防范和应对计划提供支持的众多国家和捐助方。
58712 And we’re also grateful to the more than 300,000 individuals, corporations and foundations who have contributed to the Solidarity Response Fund, which has generated more than US$210 million in the past 6 weeks.  我们还感谢30多万个人、公司和基金为团结应对基金捐款,该基金在过去6周已经筹集了超过2.1亿美元。
58713 As my friend Boris Johnson said during today’s pledging event, we’re in this together, and together we will prevail. 正像我的朋友鲍里斯·约翰逊在今天的认捐活动中所表明的那样,我们将风雨同舟,共克时艰。 
58714 We will prevail through national unity and global solidarity.  我们将通过举国团结和举世团结赢得胜利。
58715 The antidote to this virus is national unity and global solidarity.  抗击病毒的制胜法宝是举国团结和举世团结。 
58716 The antidote to this virus is the human spirit.  战胜病毒的制胜法宝是人类的团结精神。 
58717 One of the effects of emergency measures brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has been a resurgence in an ages-old problem exacerbated by physical distancing and lockdown measures. 为应对2019冠状病毒病大流行采取的紧急措施所带来的影响之一是:一个由来已久的问题又有所抬头,并因保持物理距离和封锁措施而加剧。