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58718 It is domestic violence. 这就是家庭暴力问题。
58719 Since the start of the pandemic, countries across the world have seen increases in reports of domestic violence cases. 自大流行病暴发以来,世界各国家庭暴力案件的报告都有所增加。
58720 Likewise, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Šimonovic warned early on that lockdown measures could increase the vulnerability of many women. 同样,联合国暴力侵害妇女问题特别报告员杜布拉夫卡·西蒙诺维奇(DubravkaŠimonovic)早些时候警告说,封锁措施可能会加大许多妇女的脆弱性。
58721 “For many women [...] the home can be a place of fear and abuse. 她表示:“对许多女人来说,[......]家可能会是一个令人恐惧和遭受虐待的地方。
58722 This situation worsens considerably in isolation cases,” she said. 若处于隔离状态,情况会显著恶化”。
58723 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet warned this unforeseen effect of the lockdown will have far-reaching consequences.  联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特警告说,这一未曾预料的封锁影响将产生深远的后果。
58724 “The impacts of COVID-19 confinement measures on women may not be immediately visible, but they may not be immediately visible, but they could set back the cause of gender equality for years to come,” she said in a recent statement. 巴切莱特在最近的一份声明中表示:应对2019冠状病毒病的限制措施对妇女的影响可能不会立即显现,但即使可能不会立即显现,其影响也可能会在未来几年阻碍性别平等事业的发展。
58725 South America has not escaped the increase in gender-based violence reports due to the quarantine. 南美洲同样因隔离防疫而引起性别暴力报告的增加。
58726 In the region alone, there was an average of twelve women murdered daily as a result of gender violence and one in three women was a victim of domestic or sexual violence. 仅在南美洲地区,平均每天就有12名妇女因性别暴力被谋害,三分之一妇女成为家庭暴力或性暴力的受害者。
58727 Reports from around the region show an increase in cases of gender-based violence since quarantine measures were put in place. 该地区各地的报告显示,自实施隔离防疫措施以来,性别暴力案件有所增加。