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58728 Since 2018, the UN Human Rights Regional Office for South America has provided workshops, teaching judges about the role of the judiciary in addressing negative gender stereotypes. 2018年以来,联合国人权高专办南美洲区域办事处多次开办讲习班,向法官讲授司法机构在处理负面性别陈规定型观念方面的作用。
58729 Drawing on work already being done on gender-based violence, the trainings have helped provide a human-rights based grounding for those who hand out justice on the issue. 这些培训活动借鉴在性别暴力方面开展工作所取得的经验,为那些在这个问题上伸张正义的人提供基于人权的依据。
58730 “It is essential to support women victims of violence –especially in crisis situations such as the one we are currently experiencing– guaranteeing equality and justice. 必须支持遭受暴力的妇女,尤其是在我们目前正在经历的危机局势下要保证平等和正义。
58731 However, gender stereotypes are a common and harmful barrier to justice, especially for women victims and survivors of violence, "said Rocío García Sevillano, human rights officer. 然而,性别陈规定型观念有碍于正义,司空见惯且有害无益,特别是对遭受暴力的受害妇女和幸存妇女而言。人权干事罗西奥·加西亚·塞维亚诺(RocíoGarcíaSevillano)表示。
58732 Since then, more than 150 judges from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay have taken part in the workshops and have used the material to better handle gender-based violence cases. 讲习班开办以来,来自阿根廷、玻利维亚、智利、巴拉圭和乌拉圭的150多名法官参加了学习,并利用所学材料更好地处理了性别暴力案件。
58733 The workshops helped usher in guides for the judiciary and prosecutors on gender stereotypes and international standards on the rights of women, which came out in March 2020 in Uruguay. 讲习班促成了为司法机构和检察官提供的有关性别陈规定型观念和妇女权利国际标准指南的编写,该指南于2020年3月在乌拉圭推出。
58734 These guides are intended to be the tool to train legal operators across the country on international standards for women's rights. 该指南旨在作为培训全国法律工作者关于妇女权利国际标准的工具。
58735 They are also guidelines for the officials of the judicial system to carry out their work analysing the various situations from a gender perspective. 它们也是司法系统官员从性别角度出发,开展分析各种情况工作的指导方针。
58736 "The Judiciary has a key role in promoting equality and justice throughout society, which is the basis of the human rights of all," said García Sevillano. 加西亚·塞维亚诺表示:司法机构在促进全社会的平等和正义方面发挥着关键作用,这是保障所有人人权的基础。
58737 The trainings like those in place in South America are among the recommendations made by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to fight against the surge in domestic violence cases.   为打击家庭暴力案件激增的势头,联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯提出诸多建议,其中一项是举办类似于南美洲举行的培训。