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58738 Others include scaling up public awareness campaigns, and creating better online services and civil society organizations. 其他建议包括:扩大提高公众认识的运动,设立更好的在线服务和民间社会组织。
58739 The UN Human Rights Office has published guidance COVID-19 on the rights of women and girls including recommendations to policy makers.   联合国人权高专办发布了关于妇女和女童权利的2019冠状病毒病应对指导方针,其中包括给决策者的建议。
58740 Guterres urged all governments to make the prevention and redress of violence against women a key part of their national response plans for COVID-19, and outlined several actions that can be taken to improve the situation. 古特雷斯敦促各国政府将预防和纠正暴力侵害妇女行为作为其2019冠状病毒病国家应对计划的关键内容,并介绍了若干可采取的行动,用以改善局势。
58741 “Together”, concluded the UN Secretary-General, “we can and must prevent violence everywhere, from war zones to people’s homes, as we work to beat COVID-19”. 联合国秘书长最后表示:在抗击2019冠状病毒病的工作中,只要齐心协力,就能够在世界各地防止暴力行为,无论在战争地区还是人们的家中,而且我们必须这样做。
58742 新冠疫情引发的国家封锁措施立即在整个南非产生了巨大影响。 Across South Africa, the COVID-19-induced national lockdown measures have had an immediate and dramatic impact.
58743 自3月27日以来,边境已经完全关闭,非必要的工人被要求留在家中以遏制该病毒的传播。 Since 27 March, there has been a total border closure and non-essential workers have been asked to stay at home in a bid to curb the spread of the virus.
58744 南非目前是非洲大陆上新冠病毒感染数量最多的国家之一。 At the time of writing, South Africa has the highest number of COVID-19 infections on the continent, with 4,793 cases and 90 deaths.
58745 南非总统Cyril Ramaphosa近期警告说,南非仍处于大流行的早期阶段,这种情况将持续, Whilst the country's President, Cyril Ramaphosa, recently warned that South Africa was still in the early stages of the pandemic and that this would last for the "foreseeable future",
58746 该国迅速行动采取措施,并进行广泛筛查,受到了世界卫生组织等的赞扬。 the country's response, characterized by swift action and widespread screening, has drawn praise from the World Health Organization, amongst others.
58747 南非政府也迅速采取行动,试图遏制新冠病毒危机带来的经济衰退, The South African government has also moved quickly in an attempt to stem the economic fall-out from the COVID-19 crisis,