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58748 南非政府近期宣布了一项263亿美元的刺激计划,约占该国GDP的10%左右,其中包括对企业和员工工资的大量补贴。 recently announcing a US$26.3 billion stimulus plan, equivalent to around 10% of the country's GDP, which includes significant subsidies for businesses and wages.
58749 自2016年以来,联合国工发组织和全球环境基金支持的南非废物转化能源项目 Since 2016, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Global Environment Facility (GEF)-supported Waste-to-Energy South Africa Project
58750 致力于提高人们对沼气收益的认知和能力, has been working to improve awareness and capacity surrounding the benefits of biogas,
58751 重点是利用主要来源于农业加工业的有机废弃物产生的能源。 with a focus on harnessing energy produced from organic waste, mainly from the agro-processing industries.
58752 虽然该项目针对私营部门运营的工业沼气项目,但也涉及到农村地区家用沼气的部分。 While the project targets industrial biogas projects operated by the private sector, it also has a component that deals with domestic biogas in rural settings.
58753 为此,该项目培训青年人修建和维护家用沼气池, To that end, the project has been training youth to construct and maintain domestic biogas digesters,
58754 进而帮助促进青年人就业并加强南非农村地区的经济建设。 in turn helping to catalyze youth employment and strengthen rural economies in South Africa.
58755 当新冠病毒大流行来袭时,该项目正在培训相关人员,建造和调试家用沼气池。 The project was in the midst of training, constructing and commissioning domestic biogas digesters, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck.
58756 与南非其他地区一样,沼气项目的工作人员必须迅速采取行动保住迄今为止取得的进展, Along with the rest of the country, the biogas project staff had to quickly pivot to salvage the progress that had been made to-date,
58757 以遵守南非政府的封锁政策。 in order to comply with the South African government's lockdown measures.