ID 原文 译文
58758 尽管需要暂停该项目培训和建造的部分, Although the training and construction component of the project had to be temporarily suspended,
58759 但沼气池的调试工作,向沼气池中装入有机可消化原料 the commissioning of biogas digesters loading the digesters with organic digestible materials (feedstock)
58760 仍按原计划进行,并在远程监督下完成相关工作。 has continued according to the original schedule, albeit now under remote supervision.
58761 旺达大学的David Tinarwo教授正在进行项目这一部分的协调工作, Professor David Tinarwo from the University of Venda, who is coordinating this part of the project,
58762 并远程指导安装了沼气池的家庭进行生物调试过程。 has been able to remotely guide households which have installed digesters through the biological commissioning process.
58763 他详细的介绍了如何根据新情况调整来项目指导过程:“我通过语音、文本、图片和视频对形式与项目参与者进行沟通。 Detailing how he is helping to adjust the project to the new situation, he explained, "I communicate with project participants through voice, text, and still and video footage.
58764 人们把准备好原料,然后倒入沼气池中的过程录成视频分享给我。 A video is made of the feedstock as it is prepared, and then prior to pouring into the digester, and this is then is shared with me.
58765 然后,我告诉他们是否可以进行浇注了。 Then I indicate whether it is ready for pouring.
58766 我们反复发送视频并通过电话进行讨论,直到达到合适的污泥粘度。 We go through iterations of sending the videos and discussions via phone, until the right sludge viscosity is achieved.
58767 然后告知家庭准备剩下的部分,使其达到所需的水平。” The household is then left to prepare the rest up to the required level."