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58768 “在将沼气池装载一周左右后,通过在使用点(通常位于厨房)点燃输送软管末端的气体来测试生产出来的沼气。” "A week or so after loading the digester, the production of the digester is then tested by igniting the gas at the end of a conveying hosepipe leading to the point of use, normally in the kitchen."
58769 这一过程也需要拍摄下来并与Tinarwo分享,以供他评估和给出进一步建议。如果存在火焰,则可以将软管连接到燃烧器(或燃气设备)。 This process is also filmed and shared with Tinarwo for his assessment and further advice. If the flame is present, the hose can then be connected to the burners (or gas appliance).
58770 Tinarwo讲述了在线进行该项目所经历的挑战,并承认培训和建造方面的其他挑战仍未解决, Outlining the challenges associated with taking this part of the project online, Tinarwo conceded that other challenges faced in training and construction remain unresolved,
58771 目前正在对学员在其住所接受在线培训的方法等进行调研。 but investigations are underway on how training can be conducted online with recipients at their respective residences.
58772 他说:“接受培训人员的网络连接情况,以及是否具备电脑等设备是基本限制因素。” "Basically, the limiting factors are the bandwidth of the recipients' connectivity situations and equipment such as computers," he said.
58773 国家项目经理Nokwazi Moyo反映了新冠疫情影响项目的实施情况, Reflecting on how COVID-19 was affecting project implementation, National Project Manager, Nokwazi Moyo,
58774 承认封锁减少了项目与受益人之间的互动, acknowledged that the lockdown had slowed down the interaction between the project and beneficiaries,
58775 但是作为应对,“项目人员和参与者很快就使用现代技术解决了沟通障碍问题, but that, in response, "the project staff and participants have been quick to embrace modern technology to fill communication gaps and,
58776 由于无法进行面对面互动,他们转而使用社交媒体,并且通过WhatsApp进行视频会议等。” as they are not able to rely on face-to-face interaction, they have instead embraced social media, also connecting virtually through WhatsApp."
58777 他说:“ 通过新冠疫情,我们签约的服务提供商、沼气池运营商和项目指导委员会 "COVID-19 has revealed just how resourceful and adaptable our contracted service providers, biogas digester operators, and the project steering committee