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58778 展现了资源管理能力和适应能力,他们在封锁条件下继续向前推进项目。 can be to keep the implementation of the project moving ahead under the lockdown conditions.
58779 在此期间建立的大多数通信系统即使在新冠疫情大流行之后也必定会继续使用。” Most of the communication systems established during this period are bound to remain in use even after the COVID-19 Pandemic," he said.
58780 “The severe socio-economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to increase the scourge of modern-day slavery, already impacting over 40 million people before the global pandemic”, said Tomoya Obokata, who assumed the role of the Special Rapporteur on the Contemporary Forms of Slavery at the beginning of this month. 于5月1日走马就任的当代形式奴隶制问题特别报告员小保方智也表示,新冠病毒病大流行所产生的严重社会经济影响可能会加剧现代奴隶制的危害,在新冠病毒病大流行之前,现代奴役已使4000多万人受到影响。
58781 As lockdowns have prompted a spike in unemployment throughout most of the world, many previously vulnerable workers have been pushed into even more precarious situations, lacking any protection. 小保方指出,企业停工导致全球大部分地区的失业率上升,将许多原已脆弱的工人推向更加岌岌可危的境地,甚至参与非法经济活动。
58783 “These factors have dramatically increased peoples’ vulnerability to exploitation, which may amount to enslavement”, he cautioned. 他警告说,这些因素极大地增加了人们遭受剥削的脆弱性,这可能相当于奴役。
58784 Informal sector, most vulnerable The Special Rapporteur pointed out that while the COVID-19 pandemic has affected billions, the impact is much harsher for those in the informal economy, as well as day labourers, temporary employees and all those without social protection coverage. 虽然数十亿工人在新冠病毒病期间受到影响,但对非正规经济的参与者以及小时工、非合同工、临时工和所有没有社会保障的人的影响要严重得多。
58785 Many are women and migrants. 这其中包括许多妇女和移民。
58786 And between financial shocks and inadequate governmental support, children face an even higher risk of exposure to the worst forms of child labour. 由于金融冲击和缺乏足够的政府支援,儿童面临着遭受最恶劣形式童工盘剥的更高风险。
58787 “Identification and rehabilitation of the victims of contemporary forms of slavery is difficult due to the clandestine and hidden nature of these crimes and is likely to become even more challenging as States are shifting protection resources to combat the pandemic”, explained Mr. Obokata. 小保方表示,由于这些罪行的隐蔽性,对于当代形式奴隶制受害者的识别和辅助非常困难,而且随着各国转移保护资源以抗击新冠疫情,可能会使这项工作变得更加具有挑战性。
58788 During the coronavirus health emergency, he encouraged States to identify those most at risk: “If no action is taken in this regard, there is a risk that significantly more people will be pushed into slavery now and in the long term.” 小保方敦促各国在当前的卫生危机下,确定那些从事受剥削性工作最大风险的人,并通过政策保障措施加强对他们的保护。如果不在这方面采取行动,现在和长期来看,将有更多的人面临陷入遭受奴役状态的风险。