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58789 Moreover, he reminded that States’ swift action in doing so is also “indispensable to achieve the targets set by the Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to eradicate slavery by 2030”. 他进一步敦促各国在这方面迅速采取行动,以实现可持续发展议程设定的到2030年消除奴役制的目标。
58790 Over the next three years, Mr. Obokata will explore a range of issues, including the increased risks of contemporary forms of slavery as it links to the socio-economic impact of COVID-19. 作为任期三年的特别报告员,小保方将探讨一系列专门问题,包括与冠状病毒的社会经济影响有关的当代形式奴隶制风险的增加。
58791 Special Rapporteurs and independent experts are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a specific human rights theme or a country situation. The positions are honorary and the experts are not UN staff, nor are they paid for their work. 联合国特别报告员或人权专家由人权理事会任命,以个人身份独立开展工作,对特定国家的人权状况或全球范围的重大人权议题进行调察、监测并发表公开报告,最长任期六年,他们不是联合国雇员,也不在联合国领取薪水。
58792 UN News: How concerned are you that global inequalities will deepen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic? 联合国新闻:您是否担心冠状病毒病大流行会加剧全球不平等现象?
58793 UN Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed: I am extremely concerned.  阿米娜·穆罕默德:我非常关切。
58794 COVID-19 is a threat multiplier. 2019冠状病毒让威胁倍增。
58795 We have a health emergency, a humanitarian emergency and now a development emergency. 我们面临卫生紧急情况、人道主义紧急情况,以及目前的发展紧急情况。
58796 These emergencies are compounding existing inequalities. 这些紧急情况加剧了现有的不平等现象。
58797 In advanced economies, we’re seeing higher rates of mortality among already marginalized groups. 在发达经济体中,我们已经看到边缘化群体的死亡率更高。
58798 And in developing countries, the crisis will hit vulnerable populations even harder.  而在发展中国家,这场危机将对脆弱的人群造成更大的打击。