ID 原文 译文
58799 Weak health systems won’t be able to cope. 薄弱的卫生系统将无法应付。
58800 Incomplete social protection systems risk seeing millions fall back into poverty. 不完善的社会保护体系有可能使数百万人陷入贫困。
58801 And governments with little economic firepower will not be able to cushion the impacts or recover quickly. 经济能力不足的政府将无法减轻影响或迅速恢复。
58802 Every single person will be affected by this pandemic.  每个人都会受到这种大流行的影响。
58803 And no one will be able to get through this alone. 而且没有人能够独自解决这个问题。
58804 We will need an extraordinary showing of solidarity for all people to come out of COVID-19 stronger or we risk huge populations falling further behind. 我们需要表现出非常地团结一致,才能使所有人走出新冠阴影,否则更多人口将面临掉队的风险。
58805 Any deepening of the divides risks people falling into poverty—losing hard won gains and weakening our systems to respond to the next emergency.  任何形式的分裂加深都可能使人们陷入贫困,失去来之不易的进展,并削弱我们的系统,让其难以应对下一次紧急情况。
58806 To what extent do you think COVID-19 will exacerbate already dire poverty levels in the developing world? 您认为新冠疫情会在多大程度上加剧发展中国家已经十分严峻的贫困水平?
58807 We are learning on so many levels how this pandemic is exposing the frailties and inequalities of our societies. 我们正在多方面了解这种流行病如何展现出我们社会的脆弱和不平等。
58808 The IMF is projecting that the global economy will contract sharply by -3 per cent this year.   国际货币基金组织预计,今年全球经济将急剧收缩3%。