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58809 The ILO is warning that 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy—nearly half of the global workforce—stand in immediate danger of having their livelihoods destroyed. 国际劳工组织警告说,非正规经济中有16亿工人(几乎占全球劳动力的一半)面临着生计遭到破坏的直接危险。
58810 And remittances to developing countries have already fallen by 20 per cent.  寄往发展中国家的汇款已经下降了20%。
58811 All of this will feed into higher rates of poverty. 所有这些都会加剧贫困。
58812 In fact, the World Bank has estimated that some 49 million people could fall back into extreme poverty. 实际上,世界银行估计,大约有4900万人可能重新陷入赤贫状态。
58813 But this is not inevitable. 但这不是不可避免的。
58814 We have the tools available globally to provide developing countries with the fiscal space and the resources needed to support the incomes of the poorest; to protect their communities from the worst effects and to be ready for recovery. 全球拥有可用的工具,为发展中国家提供财政空间和支持最贫困人口收入所需的资源;保护他们的社区免受最严重的影响并为灾后恢复做好准备。
58815 And building on this, we can recover better— increasing the coverage of essential services; generating green jobs for a green recovery.  在此基础上,我们可以更好地恢复——扩大基本服务的覆盖范围;为绿色复苏创造绿色就业机会。
58816 Do you expect women to be disproportionally affected by the pandemic? 您是否预期妇女在大流行中过度遭受影响?
58817 Women are on the front lines of COVID-19. Saving lives as first responders, finding solutions as innovators, standing up to the pandemic as political leaders.  妇女处在抗击新冠疫情的前线,作为应急响应人员挽救生命,作为创新者找到解决方案,以政治领袖的身份挺身而出应对大流行。
58818 More men are dying from the virus than women, but women are bearing the brunt of this pandemic in other ways. 死于该病毒的男性人数多于女性,但女性在这种流行病中首当其冲遭受影响。