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58819 Women make up nearly 60 per cent of the informal economy, they earn less and are at greater risk of falling into poverty. 妇女在非正规经济中的占比达到近60%,她们收入更少,陷 入贫困的风险更大。
58820 They are the majority of the world’s older people, more likely to live alone and less likely to have access to the internet or mobile phones thus increasing their risk of isolation. 她们是全球老龄人口的主体,她们更可能独居,使用网络或手机的可能性也较小,这增加了她们被孤立的风险。
58821 We’ve seen a terrifying increase in violence against women. 我们看到针对妇女的暴力行为急剧增加。
58822 We know that staying at home is fostering the perfect storm for domestic violence.  我们知道,禁足在家正成为家暴风暴的温床。
58823 We know that gender equality and women’s rights are essential to building a better future for everyone. 我们知道,性别平等和妇女权利对于为每个人建立更美好的未来至关重要。
58824 And I’ve been inspired by women leaders who have stepped up to face the pandemic and are rising to for all to come together in solidarity.  而且女性领导人也启迪了我,她们已经挺身而出面对这场大流行,并且正在争取所有人团结一致。
58825 What concerns do you have about development funding from richer nations decreasing as the global economy falters? 随着全球经济下滑,来自富裕国家的发展援助资金减少让您感到担忧吗?
58826 Right now, we are not seeing a drop in funding. 目前,我们没有看到资金减少。
58827 The UN is crystal clear that the world’s response is only as strong as the weakest health system. 联合国非常清楚,世界必须与卫生系统最薄弱的国家一样强有力地应对疫情。
58828 And governments recognize that the virus does not respect borders. 政府也意识到病毒传播不分国界。