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58829 They also know that if the virus spreads rapidly to contexts affected by humanitarian crises, or in a number of developing countries, then the risks of political instability, of conflict, or of displacement, are very real. No one stands to benefit from this. 他们还知道,如果病毒迅速传播到受人道主义危机影响的地区或许多发展中国家,那么政治不稳定、冲突或流离失所的风险就非常紧迫。没有人能从中受益。
58830 There may be short-term benefits for the climate during this crisis but how will action to reduce climate change, which is central to poverty reduction, be affected in the long term? 气候可能从这场危机中短期受益,但从长远来看,对减少贫困至关重要的减少气候变化行动将如何受到影响?
58831 Global emissions are forecast to decline by around 6 per cent during the COVID-19 pandemic. 预计在新冠大流行期间,全球排放量将减少约6%。
58832 However, we know that the economic and industrial downturn as a result of the coronavirus pandemic is not a substitute for sustained climate action. 但是,我们知道,大流行导致的经济和工业生产倒退无法持续取代气候行动。
58833 Economies can grow, and jobs created alongside ambitious climate action, if the right investments are made now to accelerate the decarbonization of the global economies. 如果现在进行正确的投资以加速全球经济的脱碳进程,那么可以促进经济增长,并在雄心勃的气候行动中创造就业机会。
58834 We need sustained climate action for many years to come to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.   为了实现《巴黎协定》的目标,我们还需要多年开展持续的气候行动。
58835 Is it possible to turn crisis into a catalyst for achieving goals and reducing inequalities? 是否有可能将危机转化为实现可持续发展目标和减少不平等的催化剂?
58836 Absolutely. And in some respects, there is no choice here. We cannot afford to go back to the world we had before this crisis. 当然。在某些方面,我们现在别无选择。我们无法回到这场危机发生之前的世界。
58837 That would mean leaving unaddressed the vulnerabilities and fragilities that this crisis has brought into plain sight: massive underinvestment in health and social protection; massive global and local inequalities; 如果那样做,将意味着对这场危机明显暴露出的脆弱问题放任不管:在卫生和社会保护方面的大量投资不足;大规模的全球和地区不平等;
58838 the onward march towards the destruction of nature and climate catastrophe; the erosion of democratic norms that are core to protecting rights and ensuring social cohesion. 走向破坏自然和气候灾难的发展方式;对构成保护权利和确保社会凝聚力核心的民主规范的侵蚀。