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58839 We have a unique opportunity now, to leverage this crisis to kickstart a Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 现在,我们有一个难得的机会,可以利用这场危机来启动“行动十年”以实现可持续发展目标。
58840 Is the timetable for realizing the goals which will help to reduce inequality now unrealistic? 现在还能按时实现减少不平等现象的目标吗?
58841 This crisis has already demonstrated that massive change can be brought about if there is political will and unity of purpose. 阿米娜·穆罕默德:这场危机已经表明,如果有政治意愿和统一的目标,就可以带来巨大的变化。
58842 The SDGs are no longer an aspirational set of goals for some distant future. 可持续发展目标已不再是遥不可及的未来目标。
58843 They are the minimum we need to secure a safer, more just and more sustainable world for all. 它们是确保所有人享有更安全,更公正和更具可持续性的世界所需要的最低要求。
58844 If leaders from across society attach the same level of importance and urgency to the fight against poverty, hunger, and climate change, we will find success in this Decade of Action on the SDGs. 如果来自不同社会的领导人能对贫困、饥饿和气候变化问题予以同等程度的重视和紧迫性,我们就可以在这个行动十年中取得成功。
58845 日本正在努力遏制新冠肺炎疫情,为了阻止游客,地方政府牺牲了数万株鲜花。 Local authorities in Japan are sacrificing tens of thousands of flowers to deter visitors, as the country attempts to contain the coronavirus outbreak.
58846 在日本,踮着脚走过郁金香花田或呼吸玫瑰的芬芳是春季的热门活动, Tiptoeing through the tulips or breathing in the scent of roses are popular spring rites in Japan,
58847 但是有人担心花卉节会成为新增聚集性感染病例的源头。 but there is concern that flower festivals could become the source of new infection clusters.
58848 为了不让赏花者前来,本周,东京北部埼玉县Yono公园的工作人员开始给约3000株玫瑰剪除花苞。 This week workers began severing the buds of about 3,000 rose bushes at Yono park in Saitama, north of Tokyo, in an attempt to keep flower viewers away.