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58859 小池百合子说,从4月25日开始的12天——包括黄金周公共节假日在内——将是东京1340万人口“在家保命”的一个机会。 Koike said the 12 days starting from Saturday a period that includes the Golden Week public holidays would be an opportunity for the city’s 13.4 million people to “stay home and save lives”.
58860 一些居民不能接受剪除玫瑰的举动。 The move to prune the roses hasn’t gone down well with some residents.
58861 “玫瑰盛开的景色每年都值得一看,”一位经常逛Yono公园的76岁男性告诉《每日新闻》说, “The roses at their best are worth seeing every year,” a 76-year-old man who regularly visits the park, told the newspaper.
58862 “我觉得这是浪费,但我们没有选择。” “I think it’s a waste, but we have no choice.”
58863 在东京以东50千米处的佐仓市, In Sakura, a town 50km east of Tokyo,
58864 官员们剪掉了10万多株郁金香的花朵,并取消了一年一度的郁金香节。 officials razed more than 100,000 tulip stems and cancelled its annual festival after crowds defied social distancing guidelines during the coronavirus emergency.
58865 当地旅游官员草野咲穗告诉路透社说:“郁金香盛开时,周末有许多游客前来。 “Many visitors came at the weekend when the flowers were in full bloom,” Sakiho Kusano, a local tourism official, told Reuters.
58866 这造成了人员大量聚集,所以我们别无选择,只能决定剪掉郁金香。” “It became a mass gathering, so we had no choice but to make the decision to cut the flowers.”
58867 花卉爱好者需要等到明年才能看到佐仓市故里广场7000平方米的花田里开满粉色和红色的郁金香。 Flower lovers will have to wait until next year to see the pink and red tulips carpeting the 7,000-square-metre Sakura Furusato Hiroba venue.
58868 公园游客米洼美佐子说:“这非常非常不幸。看到这个景象时,我的心情变得很低落。” “It’s, very, very unfortunate. My mood sank when I saw this,” park visitor Misako Yonekubo said.