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58869 不过,剪下的鲜花也没有浪费掉。 The cut flowers have not gone to waste, however.
58870 官员称,鲜花被捐给了当地的幼儿园。 Officials said they had been donated to local kindergartens.
58871 在本周一举行的“新冠疫情背景下的新闻自由和打击虚假信息对话”上,联合国秘书长古特雷斯、联合国教科文组织总干事阿祖莱和联合国人权事务高级专员巴切莱特表达了对自由、独立和基于事实的新闻的坚决支持。 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet delivered an uncompromising defense of free, independent fact-based journalism during an online Dialogue on Press Freedom and Tackling Disinformation in the COVID-19 context on Monday.
58872 这场在线对话会是今年世界新闻自由日(5月3日)的旗舰活动。 It was the flagship event of this year’s World Press Freedom Day, celebrated annually on 3 May.
58873 参与在线讨论的其他知名人士包括加拿大外交部长商鹏飞(François-Philippe Champagne)、国际记者联盟主席穆贾希德(Younes Mujahid)、菲律宾调查记者兼Rappler新闻网站创始人瑞莎(Maria Ressa)、 Other notable participants in the online debate—which was marked by denunciations of regimes which use the COVID-19 pandemic to restrict media freedom and other civil rights—included François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s Foreign Minister, journalist Younes Mujahid, President of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Maria Ressa, investigative journalist from the Philippines, founder of the Rappler news organization,
58874 “无国界记者”组织秘书长德洛瓦(Christophe Deloire),以及Facebook公司代表毕克特(Monika Bickert)。 and the Secretary General of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Christophe Deloire, as well as Monika Bickert, representing Facebook.
58875 来自荷兰、挪威和欧洲联盟委员会的多位领导人也发表了视频讲话。 A number of leaders from the Netherlands, Norway and the European Commission also delivered video messages.
58876 教科文组织总干事阿祖莱在致与会者的欢迎辞中设定了讨论的基调,她说: UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay set the tone of the debate as she welcomed participants saying,
58877 “在新冠疫情全球大流行之际,纪念世界新闻自由日并在当前形势下关注新闻自由尤为重要。 “It is particularly important to mark World Press Freedom Day this year during the global COVID-19 pandemic and to keep press freedom on the agenda in the present situation.
58878 我们依靠新闻来传播科学家的发现和真实可靠的信息,并制止危及民众性命和防疫努力的假消息。 It takes journalism to communicate the findings of scientists and disseminate real and reliable information and counter fake news that is dangerous to people’s lives and to efforts to contain the spread of the pandemic.”