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58879 阿祖莱女士补充说:“不幸的是,在很多地方情况并非如此。新闻工作者,尤其是女性新闻工作者不能顺利开展工作。” “Unfortunately,” Ms Azoulay added, “in all too many places this is not the case and journalists, particularly female journalists, are prevented from doing their work.”
58880 因此,她“呼吁各国政府、能在当今世界的信息传播中发挥作用的大公司,以及公众促进新闻自由和打击假新闻” The Director-General went on to “call on governments, major corporations that also have a role to play in the dissemination of information in today’s world, and on members of the public to promote freedom of the press and counter fake news.”
58881 古特雷斯秘书长援引教科文组织数据,指出去年在全球范围内有57名记者遇害,以此突出这一问题的严重性。 Highlighting the gravity of the issue at stake, Secretary-General Guterres quoted UNESCO’s tally of 57 journalists who were killed around the world last year.
58882 “伴随着新冠疫情带来的新挑战,我们看到了错误信息的危险爆发,包括有害的健康建议和荒唐的阴谋论。 “Along with the new challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic we are seeing a dangerous outbreak of misinformation, from harmful health advice to wild conspiracy theories.
58883 这一症结的对策在于经过验证的、科学的、基于事实的新闻和分析,在于媒体自由和独立报道, The antidote lies in verified, scientific, fact-based news and analysis. It lies in media freedom and independent reporting.
58884 在于正如教科文组织所说的无畏无私的新闻。 It lies, as UNESCO rightly says, in journalism without fear of favour.
58885 这不仅仅是一句口号,还关乎生死。” This is much more than a slogan, it is a matter of life and death.”
58886 联合国人权事务高级专员巴切莱特回顾了以下事实——“根据国际法,在危机时期对公民自由施加限制的前提是证明这些措施是必要、适当且相称的”。 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet recalled the fact that “under international law restrictions on civil liberties in times of crisis should be demonstrated as necessary, appropriate and proportionate,”
58887 他呼吁世界各国领导人停止并谴责一切对新闻工作者和媒体自由的攻击。 and called on the world’s leaders to cease and to condemn all attacks on journalists and on media freedom.
58888 所有与会者都表示新闻独立性和专业事实核查至关重要, While all participants insisted on the crucial importance of journalistic independence and professional fact-checking,