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58889 资深调查记者瑞莎认为当前疫情再次确认了对可信媒体的需求。 veteran investigative journalist Maria Ressa said that the pandemic re-established the need for credible media.
58890 她说:“社交媒体已经瓦解了媒体的看门人角色, “Social media had taken away the gatekeeping role that media had,” argued Ms. Ressa,
58891 但在这样的时代,新闻和事实核查人员比以往任何时候都更为重要。 “but in times like this, journalism and fact checkers’ are more vital than ever.
58892 新闻业至关重要。”她补充指出,全球经济不景气造成广告收入损失惨重。 The business of journalism is critically important,” she added pointing to the loss of advertising revenues created by shuttered economies the world over.
58893 她警告说 “我们必须确保这场危机不会扼杀媒体” “We must make sure that the crisis doesn’t kill the media,” she cautioned.
58894 国际记者联盟主席穆贾希德亦表示:“新闻业现在正面临重大危机,我们认为整个新闻业存在着危险,如果经济危机继续下去,这种情况还将延续。 “The sector of journalism is now facing a major crisis,” agreed IFJ President Younes Mujahid, “and we believe there is a danger for the profession of journalism as a whole, and this will continue if the economic crisis continues.
58895 现在是采取措施挽救新闻业的时候了,因为如果没有自由的新闻界、通讯社等,民主社会将无法想象。” It is time to take measures to save journalism because we cannot imagine a democratic society without a free press, news agencies, etc.,” he said.
58896 Facebook代表毕克特在认同大家对社交媒体上的虚假新闻造成损害的谴责的同时,也谈到其所在的全球性公司为识别、纠正,乃至清除错误信息(即事实存误的内容)、虚假信息、别有用心的恶意内容而做出的努力。 Amidst denunciations of the damage caused by fake news on social media, Facebook representative Monika Beckert acknowledged the problem and spoke of her global company’s efforts to identify, correct and sometimes remove misinformation, i.e. factually wrong content, and disinformation, malicious content published with ulterior motives.
58897 她坦承:“我们和其他公司可以做更多事情,我们正在努力使我们的算法更加透明。 “There is more that we and other companies can do,” she admitted, adding, “We are trying to get more transparent about our algorithms.
58898 我们采取大量举措以主动地获取可靠信息,而不仅仅是回应错误信息。 We are doing a lot to get reliable information out there proactively, not just in responding to misinformation.