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58899 我们知道自身的义务,并且期望做得更好。” We know we have a role to play and we are looking to getting better about it.”
58900 每年5月3日,全世界共同礼赞新闻自由的基本原则, Every year on 3 May, the world comes together to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom,
58901 评估世界各地的言论自由状况,并向在履行职责过程中遭到袭击或丧生的记者致敬。 take stock of freedom of expression around the world, and pay tribute to journalists who have faced attacks or lost their lives in the exercise of their profession.
58902 1993年,联合国大会根据教科文组织大会的建议宣布设立世界新闻自由日。 World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 on the Recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference.
58914 How is this global health pandemic different from past health crises and what does it tell us? 本次重大健康危机与过往的危机有何不同?我们可以从中得到什么经验教训?
58915 I am not sure it is the worst global health threat we have faced. 说实话,这一次并不一定是我们面临过的最严重的全球健康危机。
58916 The influenza epidemic of 1918-1919 was worse, the AIDS epidemic was probably worse, and pandemics in previous eras were certainly far worse. 1918-1919年的大流感更为严重,艾滋病也很可能更为严重,其他时期也曾有过流行病大肆虐。
58917 As pandemics go, this is actually a mild one. 事实上,与其他全球性大流行病相比,这一次是比较温和的。
58918 In the early 1980s, if you got AIDS you died. 在八十年代初期,如果感染了艾滋病就必死无疑。
58919 The Black Death [the plague that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351] killed between a quarter and half of the affected populations. (在1347年至1351年间肆虐欧洲的)黑死病感染人口的死亡率是四分之一到一半。