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58920 The 1918 influenza killed more than ten per cent of the entire population in some countries. 在1918年的大流感中,一些国家甚至有十分之一的人口丧生。
58921 In contrast, COVID-19 is killing less than five per cent of those infected, and unless some dangerous mutation occurs, it is unlikely to kill more than one per cent of the population of any country. COVID-19目前的死亡率低于5%,除非发生危险的突变,否则任何一个国家都不太可能有百分之一的人口死于该疾病。
58922 Moreover, in contrast to previous eras, we now have all the scientific knowledge and technological tools necessary to overcome this plague. 另外,如今的我们拥有对抗此次流行病所需要的科学知识与技术工具,但以往却并非如此。
58923 When the Black Death struck, people were completely helpless. They never discovered what was killing them and what could be done about it. 比如,黑死病肆虐之时,当时的人们手足无措,他们不了解致死原因,也不知道如何保护自己。
58924 In 1348, the medical faculty of the University of Paris believed that the epidemic was caused by an astrological misfortune namely that “a major conjunction of three planets in Aquarius [caused] a deadly corruption of the air” (quoted in Rosemary Horrox ed. The Black Death, Manchester University Press, 1994, p. 159). 1348年,巴黎大学医学院认为,黑死病是由于不吉利的天体运动星象引发,即“三颗行星在水瓶座交集导致了致命的大气污染”(引自罗斯玛丽·霍洛克斯的著作《黑死病》,曼彻斯特大学出版社,1994, p. 159 )。
58925 In contrast, when COVID-19 erupted, it took scientists only two weeks to correctly identify the virus responsible for the epidemic, sequence its entire genome, and develop reliable tests for the disease. 相反,当COVID-19出现时,科学家仅用了两周时间就辨别出了造成该流行病的病毒,对其进行了全基因组测序,并开发出针对该疾病的可靠的检测方法。
58926 We know what to do in order to stop the spread of this epidemic. 我们知道采取怎样的行动能够制止疾病蔓延。
58927 It is likely that within a year or two, we will also have a vaccine. 很可能在一两年之后,针对该疾病的疫苗也将被研发出来。
58928 However, COVID-19 is not just a health-care crisis. It also results in a huge economic and political crisis. 但COVID-19不仅仅是一场健康危机,也导致了严重的经济、政治危机。
58929 I am less afraid of the virus than of the inner demons of humankind: hatred, greed and ignorance. 与病毒相比,我更害怕的是人类内心隐藏的恶魔:仇恨、贪婪和无知。