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58930 If people blame the epidemic on foreigners and minorities; if greedy businesses care only about their profits; and if we believe all kinds of conspiracy theories it will be much harder to overcome this epidemic, and later on we will live in a world poisoned by this hatred, greed and ignorance. 如果人们指责外国人及少数群体是病毒的传播者,如果贪婪的企业唯利是图,如果我们误信五花八门的阴谋论,我们势必很难战胜新冠病毒,我们生活的世界将会被仇恨、贪婪和无知所侵蚀。
58931 In contrast, if we react to the epidemic with global solidarity and generosity, and if we trust in science rather than in conspiracy theories, I am sure we can not only overcome this crisis, but actually come out of it much stronger. 相反,如果我们在抗疫过程中团结一致、各国互帮互助,如果我们相信科学而非阴谋论,那么我相信我们不但能战胜危机,并且还会变得更加强大。
58932 To what extent could social distancing become the norm? What effect will that have on societies? 保持社交距离在多大程度上会成为常态呢?这将对社会产生怎样的影响?
58933 For the duration of the crisis, some social distancing is inevitable. 在危机期间,采取一些保持社交距离的措施是至关重要的。
58934 The virus spreads by exploiting our best human instincts. 病毒是通过人类最高级的本能来传播的。
58935 We are social animals. 人类是社会性动物。
58936 We like contact, especially in hard times. 我们喜欢与人联络,在艰难时期更甚。
58937 And when relatives, friends or neighbours are sick, our compassion arises and we want to come and help them. 当我们的家人、朋友或邻居生病时,我们会同情他们,并希望能够帮助他们。
58938 The virus is using this against us. This is how it spreads. 病毒正是利用了这个本能来攻击人类,病毒就是这样传播的。
58939 So we need to act from the head rather than the heart, and despite the difficulties, reduce our level of contact. 因此,我们更应该遵循的是理性,而不是随心而行。尽管困难重重,我们也应尽量减少与他人接触。