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58940 Whereas the virus is a mindless piece of genetic information, we humans have a mind, we can analyse the situation rationally, and we can vary the way we behave. 病毒是不具有理性的基因信息,而人类可以用理性来分析目前情况并调整我们的行为。
58941 I believe that once the crisis is over, we will not see any long-term effects on our basic human instincts. 我认为危机结束后,人类的本能并不会有长期的改变。
58942 We will still be social animals. We will still love contact. We will still come to help friends and relatives. 人类还是社会性动物,还是喜欢建立联系,我们还会继续帮助我们的家人和朋友。
58943 Look, for example, at what happened to the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered] community in the wake of AIDS. 我们可以看一看艾滋病毒流行之后,LGBT群体(女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者与跨性别者)中发生了什么。
58944 It was a terrible epidemic, and gay people were often completely abandoned by the state, and yet the epidemic did not cause the disintegration of that community. 当时,艾滋病对于同性恋者来说是十分可怕的,因为他们中很多人被国家完全抛弃。
58945 Just the opposite. Already, at the height of the crisis, LGBT volunteers established many new organizations to help sick people, to spread reliable information, and to fight for political rights. 但艾滋病并没有导致这一群体的孤立,与此相反,在艾滋病危机最为严重之时,LGBT群体的志愿者创建了多个组织来帮助患者,宣传可靠的信息,并争取自身的政治权益。
58946 In the 1990s, after the worst years of the AIDS epidemic, the LGBT community in many countries was much stronger than before. 九十年代时,在艾滋病流行最严重的时期过后,很多国家的LGBT群体比以前更加强大。
58947 How do you see the state of scientific and information co-operation after the crisis? UNESCO was created after the Second World War to promote scientific and intellectual co-operation through the free flow of ideas. 您认为疫情过后,科学及信息领域的合作前景如何?联合国教科文组织成立于第二次世界大战之后,旨在通过思想的自由交流促进科学文化领域合作。
58948 Could the "free flow of ideas" and co-operation between countries be strengthened as a result of the crisis? 那么疫情过后,“思想的自由流动”与相关领域的合作是否会得到促进呢?
58949 Our biggest advantage over the virus is our ability to co-operate effectively. 面对病毒,人类的主要优势在于其有效合作的能力。