ID 原文 译文
58950 A virus in China and a virus in the United States cannot swap tips about how to infect humans. 在中国的病毒和在美国的病毒并不能相互交流如何感染人类的心得,
58951 But China can teach the US many valuable lessons about coronavirus and how to deal with it. More than that China can actually send experts and equipment to directly help the US, and the US can similarly help other countries. 但是中国可以和美国交流在抗疫过程中的宝贵经验及应对方法,甚至可以派遣专家、寄送医疗物资及设备直接帮助美国,美国也可以帮助其他国家。
58952 The viruses cannot do anything like that. 而这样的合作,是病毒无法完成的。
58953 And of all forms of co-operation, the sharing of information is probably the most important, because you cannot do anything without accurate information. 信息共享很可能是最重要的合作形式,因为如果没有准确、具体的信息,我们就会束手无策。
58954 You cannot develop medicines and vaccines without reliable information. 没有可靠的信息来源,也无法研发药物。
58955 Indeed, even isolation depends on information. 甚至面对疫情的自我保护也取决于信息。
58956 If you don’t understand how a disease spreads, how can you quarantine people against it? 如果人们不了解疾病如何传播,又怎么会采取居家隔离的方式对抗疫情呢?
58957 For example, isolation against AIDS is very different from isolation against COVID-19. 比如,艾滋病的防护方法与COVID-19的防护方法差别很大。
58958 To isolate yourself against AIDS, you need to use a condom while having sex, but there is no problem talking face to face with an HIV+ person or shaking their hands and even hugging them. 预防艾滋病感染,需要在发生性关系时使用避孕套,但完全可以与艾滋病毒携带者面对面聊天、握手甚至亲吻。
58959 COVID-19 is an entirely different story. COVID-19病毒则完全不同。