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58960 To know how to isolate yourself from a particular epidemic, you first need reliable information about what causes this epidemic. 若想了解如何预防某一流行病,首先需要掌握关于该疾病病原的可靠信息。
58961 Is it viruses or bacteria? Is it transmitted through blood or breath? Does it endanger children or the elderly? Is there just one strain of the virus, or several mutant strains?     致病源是病毒还是细菌?是通过血液传播还是呼吸道传播?对于儿童和老人来说是否危险?病毒是只有一类毒株还是有多种变异毒株?
58962 In recent years, authoritarian and populist politicians have sought not only to block the free flow of information, but even to undermine the public’s trust in science. 近年来,专制及民粹主义领导人不仅采取措施阻止信息的自由流通,还试图破坏民众对于科学的信心。
58963 Some politicians depicted scientists as a sinister elite, disconnected from “the people”. 一些政治官员将科学家描述为可怕的、与民众隔绝的精英群体。
58964 These politicians told their followers not to believe what scientists are saying about climate change, or even about vaccinations. 他们促使自己的支持者不要相信科学家们关于气候变化及疫苗的言论。
58965 It should now be obvious to everyone how dangerous such populist messages are. 如今,这些民粹主义言论的危险性显而易见。
58966 In a time of crisis, we need information to flow openly, and we need people to trust scientific experts rather than political demagogues. 在危机时期,信息的自由流通至关重要,民众需要相信科学专家,而非煽动人心的政客。
58967 Fortunately, in the current emergency most people indeed turn to science. 幸好在目前的形势下,我们观察到大多数人是相信科学的。
58968 The Catholic Church instructs the faithful to stay away from the churches. Israel has closed down its synagogues. The Islamic Republic of Iran is punishing people who go to mosques. 天主教会要求教徒不再去教堂,以色列关闭了境内犹太教堂,伊朗对所有违反规则去清真寺的人进行了惩罚。
58969 Temples and sects of all kinds have suspended public ceremonies. 寺庙及各类宗派都暂停了公共仪式。