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58970 And all because scientists have made some calculations and recommended closing down these holy places.      这一切举措都是因为科学家进行了分析计算,并建议关闭宗教场所。
58971 I hope that people will remember the importance of trustworthy scientific information even after this crisis is over. 我希望在疫情结束后,人们能够记住科学信息的重要性。
58972 If we want to enjoy trustworthy scientific information in a time of emergency, we must invest in it in normal times. 若想要在危机时期能够得到可靠的信息,就需要平常在该领域做出努力。
58973 Scientific information doesn’t come down from heaven, nor does it spring from the mind of individual geniuses. 科学信息并不会从天而降,也并不会在天才的头脑中凭空产生。
58974 It depends on having strong independent institutions like universities, hospitals and newspapers. 科学信息取决于是否存在大学、医院及报刊等独立机构。
58975 Institutions that not only research the truth, but are also free to tell people the truth, without being afraid of being punished by some authoritarian government. 这些机构不仅仅求真,而且能够自由地将真相告知民众,而不会受到专制政体当局的制裁。
58976 It takes years to build such institutions. But it is worth it. 建立起这样的机构需要多年时间,但这是值得的。
58977 A society that provides citizens with a good scientific education, and that is served by strong independent institutions, can deal with an epidemic far better than a brutal dictatorship that has to constantly police an ignorant population. 如果一个社会能够向民众提供可靠的科学信息,并且得到独立、强大的科学机构的支持,一定会比一个希望时时刻刻控制无知的群众的专制政体更为有效地抗击疫情。
58978 For example, how do you make millions of people wash their hands with soap every day? One way to do it is to place a policeman, or perhaps a camera, in every toilet, and punish people who fail to wash their hands. 举例来说,怎样才能让几百万人口每天用肥皂洗手?我们可以在所有洗手间中派一名警察或安装监控,惩罚那些不洗手的人。
58979 Another way is to teach people in school about viruses and bacteria, explain that soap can remove or kill these pathogens, and then trust people to make up their own minds. 但我们也可以和小学生们解释病毒是什么,细菌是什么,并解释肥皂可以去除或消灭病原体,之后信任民众,让他们形成自己的观点。