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58990 As private companies get involved, it becomes even more important to craft global ethical principles and restore international co-operation. 私营公司的参与使建立全球道德准则及恢复国际合作更为重要。
58991 Some private companies may be motivated by greed more than solidarity, so they must be regulated carefully. 有些私营公司的目的更多是在于盈利,而不是团结,因此有必要制定一系列规则来使这些公司更为规范化。
58992 Even those acting benevolently are not directly accountable to the public, so it is dangerous to allow them to accumulate too much power. 甚至一些非盈利公司也不是对公众直接负责的。因此,赋予这些企业太多权力是有风险的。
58993 This is particularly true when talking about surveillance. 在监控方面更是如此。
58994 We are witnessing the creation of new surveillance systems all over the world, by both governments and corporations. 目前,我们正见证着全世界范围内,无论是国家还是企业,都在采取新的监控举措。
58995 The current crisis might mark an important watershed in the history of surveillance. 目前的疫情可能标志着监控历史上的一个重要转折点。
58996 First, because it might legitimate and normalize the deployment of mass surveillance tools in countries that have so far rejected them. 首先是因为疫情会使得一些国家大规模使用监控工具合理化、常态化,而此前这些国家原本是拒绝使用这些监控工具的。
58997 Secondly, and even more importantly, it signifies a dramatic transition from “over the skin” to “under the skin” surveillance. 第二个理由更为重要:此次疫情可能会导致监控无孔不入,导致从外部监控到内部监控的根本性转变。
58998 Previously, governments and corporations monitored mainly your actions in the world where you go, who you meet. 从前,政府和企业主要监控我们的行动,去哪里,遇见谁。
58999 Now they have become more interested in what is happening inside your body. In your medical condition, body temperature, blood pressure. 如今,他们更感兴趣的我们身体内部发生了什么,比如健康状况、体温、血压。