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59000 That kind of biometric information can tell governments and corporations far more about you than ever before. 这些生物特征的信息让政府与相关企业对我们的了解达到了前所未有的程度。
59001 Could you suggest some ethical principles for how these new surveillance systems can be regulated? 您可以列举一些规范这些监控系统的道德准则吗?
59002 Ideally, the surveillance system should be operated by a special health-care authority rather than by a private company or by the security services. 理想情况下,监控应由专门的卫生机构而非私营企业或情报部门进行。
59003 The health-care authority should be narrowly focused on preventing epidemics, and should have no other commercial or political interests. 该卫生机构的目标在于预防流行病,而非商业或政治利益。
59004 I am particularly alarmed when I hear people comparing the COVID-19 crisis to war, and calling for the security services to take over. 当我听说有人将当前的疫情与战争相提并论,并要求情报部门控制时,我感到十分震惊。
59005 This isn’t a war. It is a health-care crisis. 这不是一场战争,而是一次健康危机。
59006 There are no human enemies to kill. It is all about taking care of people. 人类并不需要杀死敌人,而是需要治疗病患。
59007 The dominant image in war is a soldier with a rifle storming forward. 当我们想到战争时,通常会想到士兵持枪的画面。
59008 Now the image in our heads should be a nurse changing bed-sheets in a hospital. 在当前情况下,我们应该想到的是护士在医院更换床单的场景。
59009 Soldiers and nurses have a very different way of thinking. 士兵和护士的思维方式截然不同。