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59010 If you want to put somebody in charge, don’t put a soldier in charge. Put a nurse.  若想控制住这场疫情的话,我们需要的不是士兵,而是护士。
59011 The health-care authority should gather the minimum amount of data necessary for the narrow task of preventing epidemics, and should not share this data with any other governmental body especially not the police. 相关卫生部门应收集预防流行病这一具体任务所需要的最少数据,并且不应与其他政府机构,特别是警察共享所得数据。
59012 Nor should it share the data with private companies. It should make sure that data gathered about individuals is never used to harm or manipulate these individuals for example, leading to people losing their jobs or their insurance.  卫生部门也不应与私营企业共享这些数据,而是应当确保这些从个人那里收集来的数据绝不会用于伤害或操控这些个人(比如,不能以数据为由解雇某人或扣除他的保险金)。
59013 The health-care authority may make the data accessible to scientific research, but only if the fruits of this research are made freely available to humanity, and if any incidental profits are reinvested in providing people with better health care. 卫生部门可以将这些数据提供给科学研究,但前提必须是研究成果需免费提供给全人类,并必须将可能获得的任何附带利润投资于改善公共卫生系统。
59014 In contrast to all these limitations on data sharing, the individuals themselves should be given as much control of the data gathered about them. 而对个人来说,作为共享个人数据的补偿,他们应该能够在最大程度上掌控关于自己的信息,
59015 They should be free to examine their personal data and benefit from it. 他们应该有权自由查询自己的个人数据并可以从中受益。
59016 Finally, while such surveillance systems would probably be national in character, to really prevent epidemics, the different health-care authorities would have to co-operate with one another. 最后,尽管这些监控系统可能是由国家机构或部门运行,各国卫生部门必须合作才能真正成功地预防流行病。
59017 Since pathogens don’t respect national borders, unless we combine data from different countries, it will be difficult to spot and stop epidemics. 要知道,病原体并不会因为受到国界的限制。如果不把各国数据放在一起共同分析,将很难检测和铲除流行病。
59018 If national surveillance is done by an independent health-care authority which is free of political and commercial interests, it would be much easier for such national authorities to co-operate globally.     如果国家的监控工作是由一个无商业及政治利益的独立健康部门来负责的话,各国之间的合作就会更加顺畅。
59019 You have spoken of a recent rapid deterioration of trust in the international system. 您提到最近观察到民众对于国际体系的信心急剧下降。