ID 原文 译文
59020 How do you see the profound changes in multilateral co-operation in the future? 那么您认为哪些深层次的变化可以影响多边合作呢?
59021 I don’t know what will happen in the future. It depends on the choices we make in the present. 我无法预测未来,因为未来取决于我们当前做出的选择。
59022 Countries can choose to compete for scarce resources and pursue an egoistic and isolationist policy, or they could choose to help one another in the spirit of global solidarity. 各国既可以选择争夺稀缺资源,奉行自私和孤立主义的政策,也可以选择全球团结,互帮互助。
59023 This choice will shape both the course of the present crisis and the future of the international system for years to come. 这个选择将决定当前危机的走向以及国际体系的未来。
59024 I hope countries will choose solidarity and co-operation. 我希望各国的选择是团结与合作。
59025 We cannot stop this epidemic without close co-operation between countries all over the world. 如果没有世界各国之间的密切合作,我们便无法成功抗疫。
59026 Even if a particular country succeeds in stopping the epidemic in its territory for a while, as long as the epidemic continues to spread elsewhere, it might return everywhere. Even worse, viruses constantly mutate. 就算有一个国家在一段时间内在其领土上遏制住了疫情,只要疫情继续在其他地方蔓延,就还是可以在任何地方卷土重来,甚至比以前更为严重。
59027 A mutation in the virus anywhere in the world might make it more contagious or more deadly, putting in danger all of humankind. 因为病毒在不断变异,病毒在世界上任何一个地方发生突变都有可能变得传染性更强,致死率更高,危害全人类。
59028 The only way we can really protect ourselves, is by helping to protect all humans. 真正能保护自己的唯一办法,就是互相帮助,使全人类都得到保护。
59029 The same is true of the economic crisis. 面对经济危机也是如此。