ID 原文 译文
59030 If every country looks only after its own interests, the result will be a severe global recession that will hit everyone. 如果每个国家仅捍卫自己的利益,将会导致波及全世界的严重经济衰退。
59031 Rich countries like the US, Germany and Japan will muddle through one way or the other. 美国、德国和日本这样的富裕国家可以某种方式摆脱危机。
59032 But poorer countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America might completely collapse. 但是非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲一些贫穷的国家却面临完全经济坍塌的危险。
59033 The US can afford a $2 trillion rescue package for its economy. Ecuador, Nigeria and Pakistan don’t have similar resources. We need a global economic rescue plan. 美国可以部署2万亿美元用于救助经济,但是厄瓜多尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦并没有同样的资源,我们需要一个全球经济援助计划。
59034 Unfortunately, so far we don’t see anything like the strong global leadership we need. 不幸的是,我们需要的那个坚定的全球引导者尚未出现。
59035 The US, which acted as world leader during the 2014 Ebola epidemic and the 2008 financial crisis, has abdicated this job. 曾在2014年埃博拉疫情和2008年金融危机期间担任起全球领头羊的美国已经放弃了这一责任。
59036 The Trump administration has made it very clear that it cares only about the US, and has abandoned even its closest allies in Western Europe. 特朗普政府已经明确表示,美国政府只会对美国负责,甚至放弃了西欧最亲密的盟友。
59037 Even if the US now comes up with some kind of global plan, who would trust it, and who would follow its lead? Would you follow a leader whose motto is “Me First”? 即使美国现在决定制定某个全球计划,谁会相信他们,谁又会紧随其后呢?谁会支持一个口号为“我优先”的领导者呢?
59038 But every crisis is also an opportunity. 但是每次危机也是一次机遇。
59039 Hopefully the current epidemic will help humankind realize the acute danger posed by global disunity. 我们希望这次疫情能够帮助人类意识到世界不团结带来的严重危害。