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59050 Citizens should pressure politicians to act in the spirit of global solidarity; to co-operate with other countries rather than blame them; to distribute funds in a fair way; to preserve democratic checks and balances even in an emergency.     公民需要向领导者施加压力,要求他们本着国际团结的精神行动,与其他国家合作而不是互相指责,督促他们公平分配资金,即使在紧急情况之下,也要坚持各民主力量之间的平衡。
59051 The time to do all that is now. Whoever we elect to government in coming years will not be able to reverse the decisions that are taken now. 我们应该从现在开始就做出这些努力。在接下来的几年中,无论哪个政府当选,都无法推翻如今做出的决定。
59052 If you become president in 2021, it is like coming to a party when the party is already over and the only thing left to do is wash the dirty dishes. 在2021年当选总统,就像是聚会结束才来,能做的只有刷碗。
59053 If you become president in 2021, you will discover that the previous government has already distributed tens of billions of dollars and you have a mountain of debts to repay. 在2021年当选总统,意味着发现上一任政府已经分配了数百亿美元,并在重重债务之下面临崩溃的边缘。
59054 The previous government has already restructured the job market and you cannot start from scratch again. 上届政府届时已经重组了就业市场,不可能从零开始。
59055 The previous government has already introduced new surveillance systems and they cannot be abolished overnight. 上届政府将已经引入新的监控系统,不可能一夜之间全部废除。
59056 So don’t wait till 2021. Monitor what the politicians are doing right now. 因此,等到2021年行动就晚了,我们需要监督当今领导者们的决策。
59057 编者按:自新冠肺炎疫情在美国爆发以来,美国国内要求减少对中国药品和物资依赖的呼声愈发高涨。 Editor's note: Calls for reducing dependency on China for medicines and supplies have grown louder since COVID-19 broke out on U.S. soil.
59058 一些美国领导者认为,国际供应链的中断反映了全球化的危险性。 To some American leaders, the disruption in the global supply chain became an explanation for the danger of globalization.
59059 CGTN制作了新一期数说节目,对这种思想进行分析并探讨其合理性。 CGTN presents a new episode of Data Speaks to break down this particular ideology and explore its validity.