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59060 美国是否应该在医疗上更加自给自足?很多美国位高权重的政客认为答案是肯定的。 Should the U.S. be more medically self-reliant? Many prominent American politicians believe the answer is "Yes."
59061 为什么呢?因为美国在医疗用品供应上“过于依赖”中国。 Why? Because the U.S. is "overdependent" on China for its medical supply.
59062 意外么? Surprise, surprise.
59063 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,美国对医疗资源的需求激增。 The U.S.' demand of medical resources is surging due to COVID-19.
59064 有舆论称中国会借此机会要挟美国。 There's a narrative that China would use this as an opportunity to strong-arm the United States.
59065 对于过度依赖的恐惧并非来源于所需医疗资源的数量大,而是出于对中国意图的担忧。 The overdependency is feared not because of the number, but because of China's intentions.
59066 彼得森国际经济研究所的查得·布朗进行的一项研究显示, According to a study by Chad Brown at Peterson Institute for International Economics,
59067 在贸易战之前,美国对重要抗疫产品的关税维持在较低水平。 before the trade war, the U.S. kept relatively low tariffs on goods that are crucial to combat COVID-19 today.
59068 每年,美国从中国进口价值约50亿美元的相关产品,占美国医疗产品进口总额的26%。 Each year, the U.S. imported 5 billion dollars of these products from China, roughly 26 percent of all U.S. medical imports.
59069 然而,在进口来源多样化方面,关税的作用有限。 However, the tariffs only diversified sources of import to a certain extent.