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59070 布朗的研究显示,2019年,在16类抗击新冠肺炎疫情的核心产品中,仅有6类产品对华进口额的增长率出现负值。 Brown's study shows that out of the 16 categories of goods that are considered essential to COVID-19, tariffs only caused six to experience negative U.S. import value growth rate in 2019.
59071 其余10类商品的对华进口额仍在加速增长。 Ten of these U.S. imports from China were still growing.
59072 在这10类当中,4类产品的对华进口增速高于对世界其他地区的进口增速。 And out of the 10, four imports experienced higher growth rates from China than from the rest of the world.
59073 美国对中国的X光设备、乳胶无菌手套、呼吸机、氧气面罩、喷雾器和呼吸面罩等产品的进口率大大增加。 Products like X-ray equipment, nitrile, and sterile gloves, ventilators, oxygen masks, nebulizers and breathing masks were imported into the United States from China at a far greater rate.
59074 事实上,想要“自给自足”并不是仅仅把工厂挪回本土那么简单的事。 The fact is that bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. isn't just picking up and dropping a factory onto American soil.
59075 美国缺乏大规模生产某些设备所必须的供应链和制造能力。 The U.S. simply lacks the necessary supply chain and manufacturing capability to produce some of the equipment on a massive scale.
59076 以呼吸机为例。 Take ventilators as an example.
59077 呼吸机是美国对华进口增速超过对其他国家进口增速的产品之一。 Ventilators are one of the items that the U.S. has imported from China at a higher rate than other countries.
59078 中国国内领先的设备供应商和买家对接平台贝登医疗的供应链总监吴传普指出, Wu Chuanpu, director of the supply chain at, a leading platform in China connecting medical equipment suppliers and buyers,
59079 扩大呼吸机生产线非常耗时,而且对资源依赖程度高,此外还涉及到人员培训的问题。这个过程极其复杂。 said that "the expansion of the (ventilator) production line is very time-consuming and resource-intensive," adding that it also involves personnel training and that it's too cumbersome.