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59080 《纽约时报》3月29日的一篇报道称,美国公共卫生官员13年前曾为解决国内呼吸机短缺的问题起草过一份计划。 According to a New York Times' March 29 report, U.S. public health officials drafted a plan 13 years ago to address the shortage of ventilators in the country.
59081 但在承包呼吸机设计的公司被另一家公司收购之后,该计划就不了了之了。 The plan failed after a company contracted to design the machine was bought by another company.
59082 也就是说没有生产出任何呼吸机。 Meaning zero ventilators were produced.
59083 据估计,该计划的失败将美国呼吸机的研发推迟了至少5年。 It is estimated that the failure delayed the machine's development in the U.S. by at least half a decade.
59084 美国政府直到2014年才重新考虑这个问题,2019年才通过审批,至今未交付任何实际产品。 The government only revisited this in 2014. But, it wasn't until 2019 when the ventilator was approved. No actual products have been delivered yet.
59085 在新冠肺炎疫情期间,美国呼吸机的数量和价格对其抗疫都没能产生任何积极作用。 Both the number and the price of ventilators haven't helped the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic.
59086 据报道,位于休斯顿的承包商大卫·洛利斯以1300万美元出售了200台呼吸机。 It is reported that a Houston-based contractor, David Lolis, sold 200 ventilators for 13 million dollars.
59087 这意味着每台机器的价格约为65000美元。 This means each machine had a price tag of about 65,000 dollars.
59088 而纽约州则以每台25000美元的价格从中国成功购买了17000台呼吸机。 New York State has been able to secure 17,000 ventilators from China at 25,000 dollars apiece.
59089 中国是美国医疗物资的一个很重要的供应国吗?是的。 Is China a major supplier of U.S. medical resources? Yes.